
Medical Hand Care

Medical Hand Care

What is medical hand care? Our hands are one of the most used limbs in our daily life. This limb, where the body is most exposed to external influences, along with the face, may sometimes need medical care for various reasons. In particular, medical hand care may be required to eliminate nail problems that occur as a result of manicure, and to remove color changes and deformities on the nail surface. This service, which is given by a podologist who is an expert in this field, is called medical hand care. How to do medical hand care? In medical hand care, deformities on the nails are removed with the help of sterile instruments and devices. Medical hand care support is given in many nail problems such as deformed nails, nails that have a bad appearance due to deformity, and nails that experience color change. Existing problems in the nails are eliminated and an average of 15-20 days of maintenance is applied to solve the problem. Cuticles are carefully cleaned to achieve a healthy nail appearance that meets the expectations visually. What are the conditions that require medical hand care? In particular, patients with deformation in their nails due to various health problems, nails deteriorated due to nail eating habits, traumas, incorrect nail cutting and some nail diseases require medical hand care. Why medical hand care? With medical hand care, nail problems are eliminated under sterile and hygienic conditions without experiencing any pain problems. Patients who have healthy nail care also prevent future nail problems. Softening is provided on the skin surface. Nail cracks are prevented. Complaints such as keratinization and calluses that occur especially on the hands, palms or fingertips are eliminated. An aesthetic appearance is obtained after the medical care given to the patients at certain intervals. How long does it take to complete medical hand care? Hastanın mevcut tırnak problemine göre değişen bir süreç söz konusudur. Genellikle 15-20 günlük bir periyodik bakım gerçekleştirilir. Ancak bazı hastalarda genel sağlık durumuna göre de süre farklılık gösterebilir. Tırnak bakımı yapılan hastaların bireysel olarak el bakımlarına özen göstermeleri durumunda herhangi bir şikayetle karşılaşma olasılığı düşüktür. Doğru nemlendirici kremlerin kullanımı, cilt yüzeyini aşırı sıcak veya soğuğa maruz bırakmamak, güneş ışınlarının zararlı etkilerine karşı ellerin korunması, deterjan vb. kimyasalların deriyle temasını minimuma indirmek, tırnak sağlığının kontrol altına alınmasına büyük ölçüde katkı sağlamaktadır.

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