Athlete Foot Care
What is athlete foot care?
The athlete foot care service, which is given to people who use their feet intensively, such as athletes and dancers, aims to eliminate the problems that occur in the feet. In particular, diseases such as calluses, finger deformities and fungus caused by impacts and traumas are treated. The primary goal is to eliminate the foot problems of people operating in such branches. With this regular care process, which is also supported by medical foot care, patients have a healthy foot appearance.
How to take care of athlete's foot?
In athlete's foot care, there are processes such as cutting the nails properly, giving products developed for this purpose to people who experience excessive sweating, and supporting them with moisturizers in order to eliminate foot dryness. In order to prevent the patients from encountering different foot problems in the future, if the callus predisposition is detected, the relevant area is cleaned in the early process.
Does athlete foot care affect daily activities?
No, it doesn't affect. With the medical foot care provided in our center, athletes can continue their daily life activities without experiencing any pain or suffering. There is nothing that prevents them from doing sports.
How long does it take to complete athlete foot care?
The process varies according to the patient's current foot health problem. Medical foot care is a service that is recommended for athletes to always take because they use their feet throughout their lives. Foot problems such as calluses and fungus are completed within 3-4 weeks if the related complaint is resolved and the discomfort does not tend to recur.
What are the foot health recommendations for athletes?
• Yapılan spora göre doğru ayakkabı kullanımı oldukça önemlidir. Oyun esnasında ayak üzerine herhangi bir baskı uygulamayan, ayakları aşırı düzeyde sıkan veya fazla bol ayakkabılar tercih edilmemelidir.
• Koşu sporuyla ilgilenen kişiler, ayağı yere dengeli bir biçimde basabilecekleri ayakkabıları kullanmalıdır. Aksi halde tırnak batması, deformasyon ve nasır gibi şikayetlerle karşılaşılması olası bir durumdur.
• Ayaklar her gün yıkanmalı ve medikal bakım için bir uzmandan destek alınmalıdır.
• Tabanlık ihtiyacı olan kişiler mutlaka detaylı ayak analizi yapıldıktan sonra uygun ürünleri tercih etmelidir.
• Herhangi bir ayak problemiyle karşılaşılması halinde sorunun çözümü için bireysel yöntemlere başvurulmamalıdır.
• Ayak kokusu oluşumunu önlemek için ayakkabıların tamamen kuru olmasına dikkat edilmelidir.
Opening Hours
- Pazartesi - Cumartesi: 09:00 - 19:00