Corn Treatment
What is corn?
Corns, which are seen on the side or top of the feet, in the joint areas, are caused by the hardening of the skin. Corns, which contain a dense root, make daily life activities difficult, making treatment necessary. The area, which has an opaque appearance and a hard structure in the callus with a core, may have a yellowish color in some patients. There are also corns that have reached the size of a pea from small sized corns. In cases where the corn is not treated, the pressure on the relevant nerve causes pain in the patients.
Why does a corn occur?
• Yanlış ayakkabı seçimi
• Ayakların uzun süre boyunca aynı ayakkabı içinde kalması
• Düz tabanlık, ayağın eğri şekilde basılması, topuk dikeni
• Uzun süre ayakta kalmak, koşmak ya da yürümek
• Yüksek topuklu ayakkabılar
• Postür bozukluğu
• Ayakların yoğun olarak kullanıldığı spor dallarıyla ilgileniyor olmak
• Mesleki yatkınlık
• Bağışıklık sisteminde zayıflık
• Obezite
• Ayağın sık terlemesi
• Doğru zamanda tedavi sürecine başlanılmaması gibi etmenler ayaklarda özlü nasır oluşumuna zemin hazırlar.
What kind of situations are faced by patients with corn complaints?
Pain is one of the most common symptoms that patients encounter. Especially in the case of walking and running, there is a feeling of stinging originating from the relevant area.
How to treat corn?
In callus treatments, attention is paid to the depth and size of the callus, the current condition of the relevant area, and the patient's additional complaints. The treatment of corns is based on removing the callus in the area from the skin surface. Failure to remove it means the continuity of pain and suffering in the patient. Therefore, the primary target is to purify the skin from the corns. After cleaning and care of calluses with core, treatment is continued with some creams in order to prevent the skin from drying out.
Why expert support in the treatment of corns?
Foot care and support products applied by patients for solution purposes lead to negative results in many cases. In the treatment of core calluses, patients generally prefer tape application for solution. However, the tapes do not give a positive result and damage the living tissue. This situation also creates difficulties in the daily life of the person. The most accurate result is obtained with expert support.
Opening Hours
- Pazartesi - Cumartesi: 09:00 - 19:00