Pregnant Foot Care
What is pregnant foot care?
During pregnancy, foot care should be paid more attention than ever before. Feet are also highly affected by the changes brought about by pregnancy in the female body. Especially due to weight gain, pain in the feet, heel hardening and sunken and deformations due to wrong shoe selection may be encountered. Due to the stance, the feet need to rest frequently during the day. Due to such situations, the procedures applied to eliminate foot problems during pregnancy and to create a more comfortable pregnancy environment are called pregnant foot care.
How to take care of pregnant feet?
All medical procedures related to foot health can be performed in pregnant foot care. It is possible to talk about many care support such as problems under the feet, deformities of the nails, color problems. After the applied procedures, the feet regain a healthy appearance. Existing pain and suffering complaints are eliminated. Foot health of pregnant women is taken under control with forward-looking support products.
What should pregnant women do for foot health?
• Hamileliğin son üç aylık döneminde sık görülen ayak ve bacak ağrısı problemine karşı bir uzman tarafından verilen medikal ürünler kullanılabilir.
• Kas dokusunu ve kan akışını güçlendirmek için yürüme ve yüzme gibi egzersizler tercih edilebilir.
• Beslenme düzeninde tuz tüketimini azaltmak şişkinlikleri önleyerek konforlu bir hamilelik süreci geçirilmesine yardımcı olur.
• Sivri burunlu ve topuklu ayakkabılardan uzak durulmalıdır.
• Uzun süre ayakta durmaktan kaçınılmalıdır.
• Uzman bir podolog desteği ile ayak tabanlığı ve dikişsiz çorap gibi destek ürünleri kullanılabilir.
• Tırnak kesiminin düz şekilde yapılması olası bir tırnak problemi riskini önler.
How many sessions does foot care take during pregnancy?
The duration of the session varies according to the current complaint and the procedure applied. Some expectant mothers can take their foot health under control in a short time by only giving support materials, and in cases where medical care is required, the sessions are divided into certain periods.
Is foot care during pregnancy painful?
During pregnancy, mothers go through a more sensitive process in terms of pain and suffering, as the current load on their bodies begins to increase. Especially due to the excessive load on the feet, it becomes difficult to stand for a long time and the complaints increase. However, every step taken for foot problems in the early process ensures that the treatment is completed comfortably. For this reason, expert support should be taken in case of a possible complaint.
Opening Hours
- Pazartesi - Cumartesi: 09:00 - 19:00