In-Home Podiatry Service
What is In-Home Podiatry Service?
In-Home podiatry service is the whole of the procedures applied to people who are in a difficult situation to leave the house or to patients who want to receive foot care at home. The feet, which provide the continuity of many vital activities throughout the day and carry the load of the body, should be taken care of by podologists who are experts in this field. In-Home podiatry service is recommended especially for loss of feeling and walking problems in diabetic feet. The main purpose of this service, which is given to all patients of advanced age, who are bedridden, who have a mental or physical disability and who cannot do foot care adequately, is to solve the problems experienced in the feet.
How to get in-home podiatry service?
Evde ayak sağlığı hizmeti için oluşturulan randevular merkezimiz tarafından planlanmaktadır. İstanbul içerisindeki pek çok bölgeye verilen bu hizmet, mobil araçlar aracılığıyla evinize gelen podoloğumuz tarafından gerçekleştirilir. Uygun randevu günü için sizinle iletişime geçildikten sonra mevcut ayak probleminize yönelik uygulamalar planlanır.
Ayak probleminize yönelik belirli periyotlarda bakım ve tedavi süreçleri devamlılık gösterebilir. Randevu için bizimle 0216 510 23 00 no.lu telefonumuz üzerinden iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
What kind of ailments does the in-home podiatry service cover?
In our center, we can offer you all the services within the scope of treatment in a home environment, with our hygienic tools and equipment, our understanding of working in accordance with the Covid-19 rules, and our friendly staff. Our priority is; It is to ensure that our patients can regain their foot comfort with painless treatment.
Can everyone benefit from in home podiatry services?
Our services do not have a specific age criterion. All of our patients, who have a favorable health condition and have a foot complaint within the scope of our specialty, can benefit from our in-home foot health service. In accordance with our understanding of work, we provide guidance to the relevant fields (orthopedics, internal medicine, general surgery, etc.) before intervening on your feet in cases that require the expertise of different branches.
What are the situations that require in-home podiatry service?
• Hastalarımızın evden çıkamıyor olması,
• İleri ve orta düzeydeki diyabetik ayak problemleri,
• Engellilik hali,
• Hamilelik,
• Yatağa bağımlılık durumu gibi etmenler sonucu ayak bakımına gerekli hassasiyeti gösteremeyen veya ayağında çeşitli problemler bulunan tüm hastalar ilgi alanımız kapsamındadır.
Opening Hours
- Pazartesi - Cumartesi: 09:00 - 19:00