Deformed Foot Treatment
What is deformed foot?
Our feet, along with our hands, are among the limbs we use the most during the day. A possible discomfort can be prevented by taking care of the health of the feet, which have a very important function in vital activities. Deformed feet, known as the deformation condition that occurs in the feet as a result of congenital or some traumas, can sometimes occur from gait-related mistakes. This condition, which negatively affects social life, can be treated with various support products and medical care.
What are the types of deformed feet?
The most common foot deformations are structures such as the bony prominence on the edge of the thumb called the hallux vagus and hammer toe. Patients have difficulty walking due to the protrusion of the bones. This situation can also cause results such as herniated disc, early fatigue, neck pain.
Why does deformed foot occur?
Deformations on the feet that carry the entire load during the day are common situations. However, in some patients, complaints such as pronotion-supination and heel spurs may accelerate the formation processes of foot deformations. Causes such as standing up in an intense work tempo, the use of shoes that are not compatible with the feet, problems related to the foot joints can create this type of situation. For example, patients suffering from hammer toe disease prefer shoes that will cause their toes to be bent, which paves the way for deformation.
What are the symptoms of deformed foot problem?
Many deformed feet show visible signs. It is not difficult for patients to notice the bony protrusion on their thumbs. The problem of pronotion-supination is usually detected during walking. Instead of stepping straight, the patient takes a step by turning his foot to the right or left. This leads to more pain in the feet during the day and fatigue in the early stages of sports activities. Some patients' bending of their deformed fingers in the shoes causes pressure. All of these and similar symptoms cause gait problems in the patient's social life.
How is deformed foot treated?
Before the treatment process, there is a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the patient's complaint. After the current problem is detected, the support materials and insoles recommended by the expert should be used. Before choosing the product to be preferred, factors such as the patient's weight, foot complaints, and whether he has any disease are taken into consideration. Failure to use the correct support material may cause patients' complaints to continue. Therefore, deformed foot treatments are also an area that requires expertise.
Opening Hours
- Pazartesi - Cumartesi: 09:00 - 19:00