Cracked Heel Treatment
What is heel crack?
Heel cracks, which can occur for many different reasons, are cracks that occur in the heel part of the foot. Failure to treat heel cracks that impair the comfort of life, both in terms of appearance and health, increases the risk of infection and causes different problems. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
What causes heel cracks?
Genellikle kuru cilt tipine sahip kişilerde daha sık görülen topuk çatlakları;
• Basma şeklinde bozukluk,
• Aşırı kilo,
• Metabolik hastalıklar (şeker hastalığı, dolaşım bozukluğuna bağlı hastalıklar vb.)
• Vitamin eksikleri,
• Topukların yeterli şekilde nemlendirilmemesi,
• Yanlış ayakkabı seçimi gibi nedenlerden dolayı meydana gelmektedir.
Why should heel cracks be treated?
In untreated cases, complaints such as inflammation, difficulty in standing, and pain in walking can be seen. Patients may experience joint pain, neck, herniated disc, knee pain. Loss of living tissue is an important risk factor for patient health, especially in heel cracks that are tried to be treated with pumice stone. In addition to this situation, bacteria can accumulate on the deepening cracks. Heel cracks, which can also be a sign of a disorder in the anatomical structure, should be treated in the early process.
What are the symptoms of heel crack?
• Özellikle topuk kısmında pul pul şeklinde görülen dökülmeler,
• Ayaklarda kızarıklık ve kaşınma,
• Deride sertleşme,
• İleri seviyeli vakalarda topuklarda kanama,
• Yürürken acı hissetme gibi unsurlar topuk çatlağının temel belirtileridir. Başlangıçta nasır olarak oluşum gösteren durum, zaman içerisinde farklı nedenlerle topuk çatlağına doğru ilerleme gösterebilmektedir.
How are heel cracks treated?
Heel cracks are one of the foot problems that should be treated by a specialist. In the treatment, the heels are taken care of with the right methods, and it is aimed to eliminate the cracks by means of special devices and sterile instruments. After determining the factors that cause heel cracks in the patient, referrals to different branches (internal medicine, orthopedics, etc.) can be provided to improve the current health status.
Opening Hours
- Pazartesi - Cumartesi: 09:00 - 19:00