What is reflexology?
Reflexology, a massage technique originating from the Far East, is an application to eliminate tension in the body and to create a supportive treatment process in neurological diseases. Reflexology, which is applied to bring comfort and comfort to the body, especially against situations such as stress, anxiety and restlessness encountered in tiring business life, is also called "foot massage" in the colloquial language.
What are the benefits of reflexology?
• Refleksoloji, ayakların belirli bölgelerine uygulanan masaj ve basınçla birlikte organların vücut içerisinde uyumlu bir biçimde çalışmasını sağlar.
• Vücudu canlandırır ve enerji akışını hızlandırır.
• Stres ve anksiyetinin azaltılmasına katkı sağlar.
• Acı ve ağrı hissini vücuttan uzaklaştırır.
• Kan basıncını düzenler.
• Kronik olan veya olmayan hastalıklara destekleyici tedavi olarak uygulanır.
• Vücutta endorfin üretimini arttırır. Endorfin hormonu vücuda rahatlık kazandırır.
• Baş ağrısı ve migren şikayetlerinin olumsuz etkileri azaltır.
• Eklemlere hareketlilik kazandırır.
Is reflexology an application that can be done by everyone?
Reflexology should be performed by experts. Since many nerve points of the body pass over the feet and soles, it is very important to apply pressure and massage to the right points. Another reason why the procedure requires expertise is that the nerves in the right and left feet stimulate different organs of the body. Otherwise, it is not possible to obtain the positive effects of reflexology.
How long does reflexology practice take?
The duration of the application varies according to the general health status of the patient, the type of disease and the place where the massage will be applied. It is possible to talk about a time varying between 15 minutes and 45 minutes on average.
Opening Hours
- Pazartesi - Cumartesi: 09:00 - 19:00